Chapter 7 webpak 3000 drives: register map, 1 using indirect parameters, Example using the isr word – Rockwell Automation FlexPak/WebPak 3000 DC Drive AutoMax Network Communication Board User Manual

Page 69: Hapter, Webpak 3000 drives: register map

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WebPak 3000 Drives: Register Map





WebPak 3000 Drives:

Register Map

This section lists the WebPak 3000 register map and describes how to use indirect

Brief descriptions of parameters are in the register map tables. For detailed parameter
descriptions, refer to the

WebPak 3000 DC Drive Software Reference Manual.


Using Indirect Parameters

In a full connection, the WebPak 3000 drive occupies three sequential network drops.
Drop_2 and Drop_3 contain indirect registers. The indirect registers enable you to
customize the list of input parameters you want the master to write to.

The Drop_2 master write registers (registers 32 to 63) determine the parameters to
which the values in the Drop_3 master write registers are written. Up to 33
user-specified input registers can be accessed at any one time. A value of 0 in any of
the Drop_2 write registers disables the corresponding indirect register in drop 3.

Drop_3, register 31 contains an Indirect Register Status (ISR) word. This output
register indicates the current status of the parameters written to the master write
registers in Drop_2 along with the tune/config update synchronization flag loopback bit
(Drop_3, register 32, bit 15). This network synchronization bit functions the same as
the network synchronization bit in Drop_1 (register 0, bit 15) (described in section 4.5
of this manual).

The ISR word also contains status information about the parameters input to Drop_2.
When all of the parameter numbers have been accepted by the drive, the two status
bits (Drop_3, register 31, bits 13 to14) and the lower six bits are all 0. If the value
entered in Drop_2 is not a valid parameter number, then bit 13 is set. If the value
entered in Drop_2 corresponds to an output parameter, then bit 14 is set. In either
case, the offending register number is placed in the lower six bits (1 to 32). If multiple
errors are present, then the highest numbered register is reported.

Example Using the ISR Word

Assume the master program writes the value 820 (the parameter number for



) to AutoMax indirect parameter 17 (Drop_2, register 48).

After the drive completes processing, the drive updates the ISR (bits 0 to 14) with the
value 16401 (4011 hexadecimal). Bit 15 equals the value written to the network
synchronization flag (Drop_1, register 0, bit 15).

Since parameter P.820 is an output parameter, bit 14 in the ISR is set. Bits 0 to 6
identify the offending AutoMax indirect register as number 17.