System pressure, 1ć15 – Rockwell Automation 1771-QDC, D17716.5.93(Passport) PLASTIC MOLDING MODULE User Manual

Page 27

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Overview of Inject, Clamp, and Eject Mode

Chapter 1


Other Eject Features

The QDC module gives you the following additional features:

Multiple Cycles – the ability to repeat the ejector cycle a number of

times, changing from advance to retract determined either automatically
or by command from your PLC program

Ejector Forward Dwell - the ability to pause after completing the first or

last advance stroke. Use this feature so a robot can pick off a part when
ejectors are fully extended

Ejector “Tip” Strokes - the ability to shake the part off the ejector. You

may program interim single-segment advance and retract tip strokes that
occur after the first advance stroke and before the last retract stroke

Figure 1.19

Advance, Retract and Tip Strokes





Tip Strokes

First Full Advance

Tip Advance
Tip Retract

Last Retract

Ejector Forward Dwell



Tip Retract

Ejector Forward Dwell

We define system pressure for the Inject, Clamp, and Eject mode as the
pressure continuously detected by the single pressure sensor connected to
the QDC module at input 2. Depending on machine hydraulics, a single
pressure valve may control inject, clamp, and/or eject mode profiles.

ATTENTION: Your control system may not work as expected
with possibly machine damage if you attempt to control a
pressure profile of a phase (inject, clamp, or eject) not
hydraulically plumbed for pressure control.

System Pressure