Rockwell Automation 1395 Digital DC Drive FRN 5-10.10/9.30 User Manual
Page 207

Chapter 7
Programming Parameters
Parameter 630 – Fault Report [Fault Report]
Internal units : None
Programming Terminal units: None
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 1
Default Value: 1
Description: This parameter selects whether Velocity or Current
Control fault status will be written to the FAULT WORD (Parameter
0 = Select Current Processor Faults
1 = Select Velocity Processor Faults
arameter 631 – Velocity Feedback Filter Select [Vel Filter Selct]
Internal units : None
Programming Terminal units: None
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 2
Default Value: 0
Description: This parameter selects a 2 pole feedback filter or a
lead/lag velocity feedback filter. When option 3 is selected,
Parameters 692 “KN Filter” and Parameter 693 “Wn Filter” must be
configured. One of four selections can be made as follows:
0 = No filter
1 = 35/49 radian filter
2 = 20/40 radian filter
3 = Lead/Lag velocity filter
Parameter 632 – Warning Select [WARNING SELECT]
Internal units : None
Programming Terminal units: Bit field
Minimum Value: All bits off
Maximum Value: All bits on
Default Value: 0
Description: This parameter can enable/disable certain warning fault
detection. If set to a 1, that particular fault will not be reported in the
fault word (Parameter 101), or in the fault queue. If set to 0, the fault
will be detected and reported as usual. The following bits define the
Bit 0 – Motor overload pending
Bit 1 – Excessive Armature volts demand
Bit 2 – Bridge overload pending
Parameter 633 – Preset Speed 1 [Preset Speed 1]
Programming Terminal units: RPM
Minimum Value: – 6 x base speed
Maximum Value: +6 x base speed
Default Value: 0
Description: This will be the velocity reference used by the drive
when preset 1 has been selected in the logic command word.