Rockwell Automation 1395 Digital DC Drive FRN 5-10.10/9.30 User Manual

Page 186

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Chapter 7
Programming Parameters


Parameter 102 – Pre Ramp Velocity Reference [Pre Ramp Vel Ref]

Internal Units : 4096 = 1000h = 1 pu = base motor speed
Programming Terminal units : RPM

Description : This parameter indicates the value of the velocity
reference that has been currently selected by the reference control.
When a 32 bit velocity reference is used, this will be the most
significant 16 bits or upper word. This data is input to the velocity
reference ramp software.

Parameter 103 – Ramp Velocity Reference [Ramp Vel Ref]

Internal Units : 4096 = 1000h = 1 pu = base motor speed
Programming Terminal units : RPM

Description : This parameter indicates the value of the Ramp
Velocity Reference after being processed by the Linear Accel/Decel
Ramp and S Contour filter. The number contained in this variable is
conditionally offset by the output of the Droop and Process Trim
functions and then becomes the Final Velocity Reference (Parameter

The value of Parameter 103 represents the most significant 16 bits or
upper word when a 32 bit speed reference is in use.

Parameter 104 – Final Velocity Reference [Final Vel Ref]

Internal units : 4096 = 1000h = 1 pu = base motor speed
Programming Terminal units : RPM

Description: This parameter indicates the value of the Ramp Velocity
Reference after being offset by the Droop Compensation and Process
Trim output variables.
The value of Parameter 104 represents the most significant 16 bits or
upper word when a 32 bit speed reference is in use.

Parameter 105 – Armature Voltage Feedback [Arm Voltage Fdbk]

Internal units : 4096 = 1000h = 1 PU = rated Motor voltage
Programming Terminal units : volts

Description: This parameter indicates the present value of the
armature voltage feedback. It is scaled in internal units so that a
value of 4096 represents rated motor voltage.

Parameter 106 – Velocity Feedback [Velocity Fdbk]

Internal Units : 4096 = 1000h = 1 PU = base motor speed
Programming Terminal units : RPM

Description : Velocity Feedback indicates the latest measured motor
velocity. This information could originate from a digital encoder,
analog tachometer, or armature voltage feedback, depending upon the
selected feedback device (Parameter 621).