Rockwell Automation 1395 Digital DC Drive FRN 5-10.10/9.30 User Manual
Page 205

Chapter 7
Programming Parameters
Parameter 626 – Jog Ramp Enable [Jog Ramp Enable]
Internal units : None
Programming Terminal units: 0/1 selection
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 1
Default Value: 0
Description: Parameter 626 selects the use of velocity reference
ramp while jogging. Choices are:
0 = No ramp when jogging (on both start and stop)
1 = Use ramp when jogging (on both start and stop)
Parameter 627 – Flux Mode Select [Flux Mode Select]
Internal units : None
Programming Terminal units: Bit adjustable field
Minimum Value: All Bits Off
Maximum Value: All Bits On
Default Value: Bit 0 On, all others off.
Description: This word is used to enable options for field weakening
and field economy.
Bit 0 – Field Economy Enable. When Field Economy is selected, the
field economy reference (param 674) specifies the field command
(param 115) when the motor has been stopped for the time specified
in the field economy delay (param 675).
Bit 1 – Field Weakening Enable. When field weaken enable is
selected, the field flux command will be supplied by the field
weakening control software. This also enables the CEMF regulator
output as a trim for the field flux command.
Bit 2 – External Feed Forward Enable. When the External Flux Feed
Forward option is selected, the flux feed forward value (Parameter
159) is used as the basis for determining the field flux command
(Parameter 115). The field weaken enable bit must also be on for this
option to be effective.
Bit 3 – Counter EMF Control Enable. When external CEMF
Reference is selected, the field flux command (Parameter 115) is
determined by the sum of the external CEMF reference value
(Parameter 160) divided by the absolute value of velocity feedback
(Parameter 106) and the Flux Trim (Parameter 121) which is the
output of CEMF PI Control. The input to the CEMF PI Control is the
flux error. This is the difference between the CEMF Reference
(Parameter 160) and the CEMF Feedback, divided by the absolute
value of Velocity Feedback (Parameter 106). The division by
velocity is done in order to keep the application dependent gains of
the CEMF PI Control constant and independent of motor shaft speed.
The CEMF regulator with the gains nonzero (Parameter 672, 673) can
offset the feed forward term. To disable CEMF regulation when
using the external feed forward, set the KI, KP gain to zero. The Field
Weaken Enable bit must also be on for this option to be effective.