Rockwell Automation 1395 Digital DC Drive FRN 5-10.10/9.30 User Manual
Page 187
Chapter 7
Programming Parameters
Parameter 107 – Position Feedback [Position Fdbk]
Internal Units : 4096 = 1000h = 1 PU = 1 pu position
Programming Terminal units : None
Description : Position Feedback indicates the latest measured angular
motor position. This information could originate from a digital
encoder, analog tachometer, or armature voltage feedback, depending
upon the selected feedback device (Parameter 621). This signal will
be scaled so that 31250 represents the change in motor position that
will occur over 1 second when running at base motor speed. It is also
true that the position change per motor revolution is equal to
1,875,000/ base motor speed in RPM
Parameter 108 – Velocity Feed Forward [Vel Feed Fwd]
Internal Units : 4096 = 1000h = 1 PU = base motor speed
Programming Terminal units : RPM
Description : Velocity Feed Forward indicates the difference between
the Final Velocity Reference (Parameter 104) multiplied by the KF
term and Velocity Feedback (Parameter 106). This value, when
multiplied by the KP Velocity Loop gain divided by 8, becomes the
proportional part of the Torque Command.
Parameter 109 – Position Error [Position Error]
Internal Units : 4096 = 1000h = 1 pu position
Programming Terminal units : None
Description : Position Error indicates the difference between the
Position Reference and Position Feedback (Parameter 107). Position
Reference is the integrated value of Parameter 104 (Final Vel Ref)
and has the same units as Parameter 107 (Position Feedback).
Position Error when multiplied by the KI Velocity Loop gain,
becomes the integral part of the Torque Command (Parameter 110).
Parameter 110 – Torque Command [Torque Command]
Internal Units : 4096 = 1000h = 1 PU = 100% rated torque
Programming Terminal units : Percent rated torque
Description : Torque Command indicates the latest “torque reference”
value. 100% rated torque is the motor torque produced at rated motor
armature current and rated motor field current.
The source of the Torque Command is determined by the selection
made in Torque Mode (Parameter 625).
Parameter 111 – Armature Current Reference [Arm Current Ref]
Internal Units : 4096 = 1000h = 1 PU = 100% rated arm. current
Programming Terminal units : Amps
Description : The parameter indicates the latest armature current
reference value. This is the Torque Command after it has been
divided by the Flux Command, range limited to the forward and
reverse current limits, and then slew limited to the di/dt limit value
(Parameter 668).