Sensaphone IMS-4000 Users manual User Manual

Page 69

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Chapter 2: IMS-4000 Software

The summary will be replaced by a graph for the chosen Environmental/IP item. (See following figure.)

Figure 50: Graph of AC Power

UpDaTinG The web paGe

You can enable Automatic Updates of the data and select the interval between updates by right-clicking on the Host and

selecting Network Settings. Click on the WebView tab. Check the Automatic Refresh box and enter the number, in seconds,

between updates, in the Update Every box.

Figure 51: Web Page Refresh Enabled

reMoTe web paGe

The IMS-4000 can send a copy of its web page to another web server via FTP (File Transfer Protocol), so that the web page

can be viewed on another network (for example, on the Internet). To configure the unit to FTP the web page, right-click on

the Host and select Network Settings. Next, click the tab labeled Web Page Delivery. A sample screen is shown below.

Figure 52: Web FTP screen

Click the Enable FTP Delivery box and fill in the necessary information for your FTP server. Your service provider will have

to provide you with the FTP Server name and sub directory where your files will be uploaded. You will also be required to