Qguard user manual – Quadrox QGuard User Manual User Manual
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QGuard User Manual
Version 4.9 Series
Gigabyte (GB) – is a unit of information equal to one billion (1,073,741,824) bytes or
1024 megabytes.
Hard disk – a digital memory device consisting of a flat disk covered with a magnetic
coating on which information is stored.
Hardware – the sum of all the physical objects, such as the electrical, mechanical,
and electronic devices which comprise a computer system; as, the typical PC
hardware suite consists of a mainboard and a number of peripherals such as
hard drives and speakers, connected by adapter cards, but the input and output
from users occurs mostly through the keyboard and monitor; contrasted with
software which are the programs executed by the computer.
Icon – a small graphic image displayed on the screen or in the indicator panel. In
Windows an icon represents an object that the user can manipulate.
Internet Explorer – Microsoft’s free World Wide Web browser for Microsoft
Windows and Macintosh.
Image refresh rate – an amount of images the camera sends per one second.
Infrared sensor – is a cable-less communication tool capable of accepting and
reacting for infrared signals.
Interface – 1) Hardware and/or software components of a system used specifically to
connect one device to another. 2) Physical connection of the one system or
device to another for information exchanging. 3) The point of contact between
user, the computer and the program.
IO device – equipment used to communicate with the computer and transfer data to
and from it.
IP address – a n
umber that uniquely identifies each computer on the Internet or local
network (see PMD IO Device also).
IP camera – a camera t
hat has its own IP address and captures, transmits images
electronically rather than on film.
JPEG – is a standard format of the compression technology (see data compression).