N o t e – ETC Eos Titanium, Eos, and Gio v2.0.0 User Manual

Page 75

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System Basics


* (see cue 4) . . . . . . . . . .Indicates the cue has an allfade command. Found in the cue

display “Flags” area.

- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Indicates a dark move, a cue that has any non-intensity

parameters moving on channels whose intensity is at 0.

x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Indicates that a mark has been placed, but the mark is


A or a (see cues 3&4). . .Indicates an asserted cue. “A” indicates the entire cue is

asserted. “a” indicates a channel or parameter assert only.
Found in the cue display “Flags” area.

B or b (see cues 2 & 5). .Indicates a blocked cue. “B” indicates the entire cue is

blocked. “b” indicates a channel/parameter block only. Found
in the cue display “Flags” area.

D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .AutoMark is disabled.

F1 - F10 . . . . . . . . . . . . .Indicate faders numbered 1-10 on the console. Found at the

bottom of the fader display.

F9 (see in cue 8) . . . . . .Indicates a follow time associated with the cue (in this case,

9 seconds). Found in the cue display.

GM (on fader pg. 1) . . . .Indicates a grandmaster. Found in the fader display.

H4 (see cue 6) . . . . . . . .Indicates a hang time associated with the cue (in this case 4

seconds). Found in the cue display.

I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Indicates an intensity blocked cue. Found in the cue display

“Flags” area.

L3 (on fader pg. 1) . . . . .Indicates a cue list number (in this case, list 3) in the fader


M or m (see cue 6) . . . . .Indicates a marked cue. “M” indicates an AutoMark or a

reference mark that is used by a subsequent cue. “m”
indicates a reference mark that is currently unused by any
subsequent cue (see

Using Mark, page 191

). Found in the

“Flags” area.

P (see cue 3) . . . . . . . . .Indicates the cue will preheat. Found in the cue display

“Flags” area.

R (see cue 8) . . . . . . . . .Indicates the source cue which refers back to an earlier mark


Referenced Marks, page 193

). Found in the cue display

“Flags” area.

S2 (on fader pg. 1) . . . . .Indicates submaster number (in this case, sub 1). Found in

the fader display.

E 1*(see in cue 2.5) . . . .Indicates a cue level effects override.

M1 (see in cue 3) . . . . . .Indicates a linked macro.

Q2/1 (see in cue 6). . . . .Indicates a linked cue.

S1 (see in cue 1) . . . . . .Indicates a linked string.

Relay 1/1 (see in cue 8) .Indicates a linked relay.

N o t e :

For more details on information contained in the playback status display, see

Playback Status Display, page 61
