Enerpac GT-Series User Manual

Page 2

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2.2 Hydraulic Tensioner Safety Precautions

DANGER: Failure to observe the following precautions
may result in serious personal injury or death.

WARNING: Hydraulic tensioners must be installed,
operated and maintained only by trained and skilled
personnel familiar with the safe operation of high

pressure tensioning devices and related equipment. All
calculations must be performed by a qualifi ed engineer with
appropriate training and bolting experience.

Always wear eye protection, gloves and boots when working
near a pressurized hydraulic system.

When working on site, the work
area should be roped-off and all non
essential personnel not involved with
the site operation should be kept clear
of the working area.

Before starting tensioning procedures,
be sure that all personnel are aware
that pressurization of high pressure
hydraulic equipment is about to occur.

Never exceed the maximum working pressure of the hydraulic
tensioner (1500 bar or 21,750 psi unless otherwise specifi ed).
Maximum working pressure is stamped on the tensioner body.

• Do not exceed the maximum allowable

piston movement (stroke) of the
hydraulic tensioner. An indicator will
appear when the tensioner is near
maximum extension. Refer to the
maximum stroke dimension stamped
on the tensioner body.

Never stand in-line with the bolt axis while tensioning or de-
tensioning is in progress. If the bolt should fail, serious personal

injury or death could result if loose or
broken parts become projectiles. All
personnel must be aware of this potential
hazard at all times.

Allow personnel to be near pressurized
hydraulic tensioners only when
absolutely necessary and only when the
pressure is steady. Continually observe
the pump pressure gauge.

Check that the threaded puller portion of the tensioner is fully
screwed onto the stud, and that the thread engagement is
suffi cient. Refer to the stud extension requirements diagram
(Figure 5) later in this document.

High pressure hydraulic equipment can be very dangerous if
misused. Keep away from oil leakages at high pressure. Liquid
escaping from highly pressurized equipment has suffi cient
power to penetrate the skin, which can cause blood poisoning.
In the case of such an accident, seek IMMEDIATE medical

Never attempt to repair leaks while the
system is pressurized. Be sure system
pressure gauge indicates zero (0) psi/bar
before making repairs.

Never attempt to disconnect a hydraulic
coupler while it is under pressure.

• Do not move or lift the hydraulic tensioners

using the hydraulic hoses and fi ttings.

Hoses should not be twisted or bent
too sharply. The bend radius should
not be less than the manufacturer’s
specifi ed minimum bend radius for
your hose type.

Before pressurizing the system, carefully inspect all hydraulic
hose assemblies. Replace any damaged, crushed or kinked
hoses immediately.

Before pressurizing the system, be sure that all hydraulic hoses
are connected. Each male coupler must be connected to a
corresponding female coupler. Verify that each coupler is fully
engaged and securely locked into position by physically pulling
on the connection.

Never pressurize the back of a
disconnected male coupler. Male
couplers cannot withstand high
pressures when disconnected.
Serious personal injury could
result if the coupler fails while
it is disconnected and under

Only the female coupler on the LAST tensioner in the circuit
can remain uncoupled. All other couplers must be connected.

Check that the bolt material is capable of taking the initial load
to be applied. Hydraulic tensioners are powerful tools and are
capable of yielding or breaking studs/bolts if tensile/yield
properties are not suffi cient to support the load applied.

Use caution when pressurizing a system. Pressure can rise
faster than anticipated. Continuously monitor the pressure
gauge during pressurization. Be prepared to stop the pump
immediately at any time.

When using a powered pump, be sure that the relief valve is
adjusted to the appropriate setting, so the hydraulic tensioners
do not apply excessive force for the application. The hydraulic
working pressure must not exceed 1500 bar [21,750 psi].

Never leave a pressurized system
unattended. If you must leave the area,
stop the pump, fully open the pressure
release valve and ensure that hydraulic
pressure gauge indicates zero (0) psi/

Any maintenance or repairs to the hydraulic tensioners, the
pump or related components must be performed with the
equipment in the unpressurized state (0 psi/bar).


Major tensioner specifi

cations, such as maximum working

pressure, maximum load and maximum stroke are
stamped into the side of the hydraulic tensioner body. See
Figure 1. Be aware of these specifi cations during installation and

IMPORTANT: The required working pressure for the tensioning
application will typically be less than the maximum working
pressure stamped on the tensioner body.

Refer to Table 2 (located near the end of this document) for
additional GT Series tensioner specifi cations.


Refer to Figure 2 for a diagram of GT Series tensioner major