Creating automation nodes – Apple Logic Express 9 User Manual
Page 805

• Click outside of all track automation lanes (on the Arrange area background) to deselect
all automation data.
• Drag a selected area to move all selected nodes (and connecting lines). Moved
automation data automatically erases any data that exists in the destination area.
• Shift-dragging allows a rectangular selection. The selected area will toggle.
• Option-clicking, when no automation data is selected, selects all data behind (following)
the current mouse position, allowing you to drag this selection.
• Option-double-clicking, when no automation data is selected, will select all data.
There are two choices available when changing the values of several selected nodes:
• Clicking a line or node allows you to change all values by the same absolute amount.
• Clicking outside a line, within the selected area (a node or outside a node), changes all
values proportionately, by a percentage value.
Creating Automation Nodes
You can create automation nodes using a variety of different methods.
To create automation nodes
Click on, or just outside, an automation line (not on a node) with the Pointer tool or Pencil
tool to create a new node.
The very first click in an empty automation track creates a new node at that position, and
another node at the beginning of the track. This ensures that you can’t create parameter
controls with gaps in the middle of a region, and have full control over the parameter
from the beginning of the automation track.
Note: Creating an automation node on a grouped track, and with the relevant checkboxes
selected in the Group Settings window (volume, pan, sends), will also create automation
nodes on other tracks in the group. Their placement will take the relative parameter
values of each track into account.
To freely draw automation
Draw automation lines (and curves) with the Pencil tool.
Chapter 28
Working with Automation