Apple Logic Express 9 User Manual

Page 449

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The Autopunch feature can be used for audio, software instrument, or MIDI tracks.

To record in Autopunch mode


Turn on the Autopunch button in the Transport bar.

The left and right autopunch locators serve as punch-in and punch-out points. The
autopunch recording area is indicated by a red stripe in the middle third of the Bar ruler.

If both Cycle and Autopunch modes are active, you see a pair of locators in the autopunch
area. Two stripes are shown in the Bar ruler: the top (green) one represents the cycle
area, and the bottom (red) one represents the autopunch area. These can be adjusted


Set the autopunch area by doing one of the following:

• Use the autopunch locator fields in the Transport bar to set the autopunch area

numerically. Note that the Sample Rate or Punch Locators setting in the Customize
Transport Bar dialog must be active before you can see and set the autopunch locators
(to the right of the standard locators).

• Alter the Autopunch range graphically in the Bar ruler, just as you would with the cycle



Place the playhead at any position before the punch-in point.


Click the Record button in the Transport bar (or use the corresponding key command,
default assignment: *).


Stop recording by clicking the Stop button in the Transport bar (or press the Space bar).

A region that exactly matches the length of the autopunch stripe will be created. Any
audio input received before the punch-in or after the punch-out points streams through
Logic Express as usual, but is not recorded.


Chapter 14

Recording in Logic Express