Apple Logic Express 9 User Manual

Page 1275

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input channel strip Channel strip type in the Environment Mixer layer that is included
for backward compatibility with projects created in older Logic Express versions. An input
channel strip represents the physical inputs of your audio interface and directs input from
your audio interface into Logic Express. In general, you will not need to access this channel
strip type in Logic Express.

input monitoring This function allows you to hear incoming audio, when audio tracks
are playing, record-enabled, or recording. Simply click the Input Monitoring button on
Arrange audio tracks to enable or disable input monitoring.

Insert slot A panel on Logic Express channel strips where you can patch in (insert) an
effect plug-in.

Inspector Area at the left edge of the Arrange window and editors, containing the
Parameter boxes and channel strips (Arrange) of the selected track. The Inspector area
updates to reflect the parameters relevant to the window with key focus. Also see
Parameter box.

instrument channel strip Logic Express supports the use of software-based instruments.
Software instrument plug-ins are inserted into the Instrument slot of instrument channel
strips. Software instrument recording takes place on instrument tracks in the Arrange
area. Playback of these tracks is routed via the instrument channel strip shown in the
Mixer (or to the left of the Arrange window).

instrument object An object in the Logic Express Environment designed to communicate
with a single-channel MIDI device. An instrument object represents a physical or virtual
device that handles MIDI information. Also see multi-instrument object.

interface 1) A hardware component such as a MIDI or audio device that allows
Logic Express to interface (connect) with the outside world. You need an audio or MIDI
interface to get sound or MIDI into and out of your computer. Also see audio interface.
2) A term that is used to describe graphical elements within Logic Express that you can
interact with. An example would be the Arrange area, where graphical interface elements
such as regions are interacted with to create a project, within the overall Logic Express

interleaved audio file Logic Express typically handles multi-channel (stereo) audio files
as interleaved. Edits to interleaved files affect both channels equally. Also see split channel
audio files.

key The scale used in a piece of music, centered around a specific pitch. The specified
pitch is called the root of the key. Can also refer to a black or white key on a musical (MIDI)

key command Function that can be executed by pressing a specific key (or key
combination) on your computer keyboard or MIDI controller.

