Apple Logic Express 9 User Manual
Page 1273

float window See window type.
folder A folder is a container for regions in the Arrange area. It can contain other folders
or regions, much like a folder in the Finder can contain other folders or files. You can
imagine a folder as a project within a project. The inside of a folder looks just like the
Arrange area and track list in a project.
Format button Button on audio channel strips (below the level meter), used to indicate
the input format of the channel strip. Click-hold this button to access the format menu.
frame Unit of time. A second in the SMPTE standard is divided into frames that correspond
to a single still image in a video file or on video tape.
Freeze function The Freeze function performs individual offline bounce processes for
each frozen track, saving almost 100% of the processing power used for software
instruments and effect plug-ins. All plug-ins of a track (including software instrument
plug-ins, if applicable, along with all related automation data) are rendered into a freeze
frequency The number of times a sound signal vibrates each second, measured in cycles
per second, or Hertz (Hz).
global tracks Global tracks are available at the top of all linear editing windows. They
allow you to view, create, and edit markers, tempo events, and key changes, plus beat
mapping and other operations.
Glue tool This tool can be used to merge regions or events by simply clicking on two (or
more) of them.
GM Abbreviation for General MIDI. A standard for MIDI sound modules that specifies a
uniform set of instrument sounds on the 128 program numbers, a standardized key
assignment for drum and percussion sounds on MIDI channel 10, 16-part multi-timbral
performance and at least 24 voice polyphony. The GM specification is designed to ensure
compatibility between MIDI devices. A musical sequence generated by a GM instrument
should play correctly on any other GM synthesizer or sound module.
grab (an object) Positioning the mouse cursor over an object, then pressing and holding
the mouse button down.
grid The Logic Express grid is represented by vertical lines that are used to indicate the
positions of measures, beats, and sub-beats in various editors.
GS Extended GM standard developed by Roland Inc.
Hand tool A tool used to move regions in the Arrange area or events in editors, or plug-ins
between Insert slots in the Mixer. It automatically appears when the mouse cursor is
placed over a region or event while the Pointer tool is selected.