Using pre fader, post fader, and post pan sends – Apple Logic Express 9 User Manual

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background image

As you do so, the (send amount) value is shown on the Send slot.

The send amount, when set to 100%, routes the entire signal from the audio or instrument
channel strip to the aux channel. (See

Using Pre Fader, Post Fader, and Post Pan Sends



Insert the effect plug-ins you want, and set the required level, pan, and output settings
for the destination aux channel strip.

To remove a send


Click an active Send slot, then choose No Send from the menu.

To bypass a send


Option-click the Send slot.

The Send slot background turns gray.

To normalize (reset) the send level


Option-click the Send knob.

This action resets the send level to 0 dB.

Using Pre Fader, Post Fader, and Post Pan Sends

Sends can be positioned either before (pre) or after (post) the (source) channel strip level


Chapter 10

Working with Instruments and Effects