Understanding the basic mixing stages – Apple Logic Express 9 User Manual

Page 753

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Insert slots: Allow you to insert up to 15 effect plug-ins into each audio, instrument,

aux, and output channel strip.

Send slots: Used to route a channel strip’s signal to an aux channel strip. Sends are

commonly used to apply the same effect or effects to several signals.

Send level knob: Used to control the amount of signal sent to an aux channel strip. This

knob appears when a Send slot is activated.

Input slot: Sets the channel strip’s input source. Depending on the channel strip type,

it can be a physical input, a bus, or a software instrument plug-in—in this case it is
known as an Instrument slot.

Output slot: Sets the channel strip’s output path. It can be a physical output or a bus.

Group slot: Controls a channel strip’s group assignment and provides access to the

Group Settings window.

Peak level display: Updates during playback to show the highest peak level reached.

Pan/Balance knob: On a mono channel strip, the Pan/Balance knob controls the position

of the signal in the stereo image. On a stereo channel strip, it controls the relative level
of the left and right signals at their outputs.

Level meter: Displays a channel strip’s playback or input monitoring level.

Volume fader: Sets a channel strip’s playback or monitoring volume.

Solo button: Solos and unsolos the channel strip.

Mute button: Mutes and unmutes the channel strip.

(Input) Format button: Defines a channel strip’s input format (mono, or stereo). For

details, see

Setting Channel Strip Input Format


Input Monitoring button: Allows you to hear incoming audio on audio tracks that are

not armed for recording. See

Enabling Software Monitoring for Recording


Record Enable button: Arms a channel strip for recording.

Bounce button: Bounces the output of any output channel strip to an audio file.

Automation Mode menu: Sets a channel strip’s automation mode.

Tip: You can hide or show channel strip elements in the Mixer (EQ Thumbnails, Inserts,
Sends, I/O, Type and Number Label, Track Name, Track Number, Control Surface Bars,
Notes) by disabling and enabling their settings in the View menu.

Understanding the Basic Mixing Stages

Although there are no rules for mixing—except those learned from experience and a
good ear—mixing generally takes place in the stages listed below. The structure of the
sections in this chapter follows the same basic workflow. You may, however, find yourself
moving back and forth between stages as you work on the mix.


Chapter 27
