Apple Logic Express 9 User Manual
Page 1264

Auto Track Zoom Function in the View menu that automatically enlarges the currently
selected track.
automation Automation is the ability to record, edit, and play back the movements of
all knobs, controls, and buttons, including volume faders, pan, EQ, and aux send controls,
plus most effect and instrument plug-in parameters.
Autopunch button Button (with the up/down arrows) in the Transport bar, used to
activate the Autopunch function.
Autopunch function Autopunch refers to an automatic entry and exit of record mode
at predefined positions. Autopunch mode is most commonly used to re-record a badly
played section of an otherwise flawless recording. The advantage is that you can
concentrate on playing, not the mechanics of driving Logic Express. Autopunch is activated
by clicking the Autopunch button in the Transport bar.
aux channel (strip) Aux channels are found in the Mixer (and to the left of the Arrange
window), and can be used as send/returns (buses) and sub-group controls.
Balance control Rotary knob directly above the Level fader of stereo channels. It controls
the relative level of the left and right signals at their outputs.
band rejection filter This filter cuts the frequency band centered around the cutoff
frequency, while allowing the frequencies that lie further away to pass. The mid-range
frequencies will become softer and the lows and highs remain unchanged.
bandpass filter This filter only allows the frequency band centered around the cutoff
frequency to pass, while frequencies that lie further away (the lows and highs) are filtered
out. A sound that contains a lot of mid-range frequencies is the result. Also see filter.
bar In musical notation, a bar is a measure that contains a specified number of beats,
and establishes the rhythmic structure of a musical piece.
Bar ruler Ruler found at the top of the Arrange window and the Piano Roll Editor, Hyper
Editor, and Score Editor. It displays musical time units, including bars, measures, beats,
and beat divisions. It is used to set and display the project position, the cycle and
autopunch locators. Also see playhead, Cycle function, and Autopunch function.
batch tagging The process of simultaneously tagging (marking) several audio files in the
Apple Loops Utility.
bass A musical instrument. The term also refers to low-frequency sounds or components
within a sound. See frequency.
beat A musical time interval. Usually a quarter note.