Apple Logic Express 9 User Manual

Page 1207

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Key and Time Signatures Settings

Key Signatures pop-up menu: Allows you to choose between the following key signature

display parameters: Every Staff, First Staff on Every Page, First Staff on Page 1, and Hide

Display Warnings at Line Breaks checkbox: Causes warning key signature changes to be

displayed at the end of a staff or staff system (if the actual change is at the beginning
of the subsequent staff or staff system).

Automatic Key Transposition checkbox: This setting enables the automatic transposition

of key signatures in transposing staff styles. It is usually selected. An exception is for
the notation of atonal music. If unselected, all sharps and flats are displayed directly
with the notes.

Note: There is a similar option in the Staff Style window (Key parameter), which allows
you to turn off the key signature for individual staff styles, or even for individual staffs
in multistaff styles.

Minimize Transposed Accidentals checkbox: This allows the use of enharmonically changed

key signatures, if this results in a signature with fewer accidentals. For example, if a
piece is written in B major (5 sharps), the Bb instruments are notated in Db major (5
flats) instead of C# major (7 sharps).

Note: Logic Express does not display key signatures with more than seven flats or
sharps, whether or not this option is activated.

Show Naturals checkbox: Select this checkbox to display naturals at key signature

changes, where preceding accidentals are no longer valid (when changing from E major
to G major, or to C minor, for example).

Show Grace Accidentals checkbox: If this option is activated, courtesy accidentals are

automatically displayed. This means wherever a diatonic note is altered by an accidental,
another accidental (a natural symbol, in many cases) is displayed when that note appears
(unaltered) in a subsequent bar.

Time Signatures pop-up menu: Allows you to choose between the following time

signature display parameters: Every Staff, First Staff on Every Page, First Staff on Page
1, and Hide All.

Display Warnings at Line Breaks checkbox: Causes warning time signature changes to

be displayed at the end of a staff or staff system (if the actual change is at the beginning
of the subsequent staff or staff system).

Size pop-up menu: Alters the appearance of the meter (often much larger, for conducting

purposes) on the staff. It is expressed as regular and percentage values. Single systems
will show both numbers (4/4, for example) on the system. Double systems will show
the upper number on the upper system, and the lower number on the lower system.

Hide Bar Lines checkbox: Allows you to hide all bar lines, which can be useful for

educational material, gregorian plain chant notation, and other special situations.


Chapter 42

Project Settings in Logic Express