Adding and removing project audio files – Apple Logic Express 9 User Manual
Page 334

• Copy audio file names to track names: Uses the filenames to rename tracks. This option
is only available when used in conjunction with the “Create new tracks” and “Use
existing tracks” functions.
• Create new audio regions: Adds the files to the Arrange area, and creates a new audio
region for each. A numeric value is appended to each audio region in the Arrange area,
and a new region is created for each file in the Audio Bin. For example, a region called
folk-04 will become a new region called folk-04.1. The original region will be retained
in the Audio Bin (and Arrange area, if used).
Adding and Removing Project Audio Files
The Audio Bin acts as a central repository for all audio files added to the project, whether
or not they are used in the Arrange area. This is useful for keeping all takes associated
with the project in one location, even if not all are actually used in the final production.
All audio file addition methods covered above will automatically place the files in the
Audio Bin. For methods that add files directly to the Arrange area, a region associated
with the file is automatically created in the Audio Bin.
The Audio Bin also provides functions that allow you to add files to your project (into the
Audio Bin), and from the Audio Bin into the Arrange area.
To use the Browser or Finder to add audio files to your project
Shift-click contiguous files, or Command-click non-contiguous audio files in the Finder
or Browser.
Drag them into the Audio Bin, and release the mouse button.
Note: If adding files from the Browser, you can also choose Add Selected Audio File to
Bin in the action menu.
To use the Audio Bin to add one or more files to your project
Choose Audio File > Add Audio File (or use the corresponding key command, default
assignment: Control-F).
Chapter 11
Adding Prerecorded Media