Selecting and creating event definitions – Apple Logic Express 9 User Manual

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Selecting and Creating Event Definitions

You can select an event definition by clicking the name column with the Pointer or Pencil

This allows you to create new definitions, and to view and change the event definition
parameters in the Inspector (see

Using the Event Definition Parameter Box


You can quickly move between event definitions using the Select Next Hyper Definition
or Select Previous Hyper Definition key commands.

To select multiple event definitions


Shift-click each event definition with the Pointer or Pencil tool.

You can make concurrent changes to the parameters of several selected event definitions

Adjusting Multiple Event Definitions Simultaneously


To create a new event definition


Select an event definition lane by clicking one of the names shown.

The selected lane is highlighted.


Choose Hyper > Create Event Definition (or use the corresponding key command, default
assignment: Option-Command-N).

This creates a new event definition lane. The original, and all subsequent, event definition
lanes are moved downward. The new event definition parameters are identical to the
originally selected event definition.


Adjust the event definition parameters in the Inspector.

You can use the Auto Define feature to automatically create event definitions for specific
event types in your project.

To create an event definition for a specific event


Select an event type (controller #71 Resonance, for example) in one of the other MIDI

Tip: The Event List is highly recommended for this task as it can display all MIDI event


Chapter 24

Editing MIDI in the Hyper Editor