Apple Logic Express 9 User Manual

Page 1283

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pre fader Sends in analog mixers are positioned either before (pre) or after (post) the
fader. Pre fader means positioned before the Volume fader in the signal flow, so the level
of a signal routed pre-fader to a send remains constant, regardless of any fader movements.

Preferences window A window that is accessed via the Logic Express > Preferences
menu. All Logic Express preferences can be set in this window.

preset Set of plug-in parameter values that can be loaded, saved, copied, or pasted via
the Settings menu in the plug-in window header. See setting and Settings menu.

pressure See aftertouch.

project A Logic document. It contains all MIDI regions and references to the audio files
to be played back. A project file is saved within a project folder—which can contain the
project’s audio files and other assets (such as video, sample files, and so on). Saving a
project with assets simplifies archiving and exchanging projects, but increases the project
folder’s size.

project folder In Logic Express, the top-level folder that can contain all media associated
with a project, including audio files, sampler instruments and samples, video, and other

project settings The project settings are a collection of program settings that are specific
to the current project. These are different from the global preferences that affect all
Logic Express projects (see Preferences window).

protected track A protected track cannot have its contents moved or changed.

punch in, punch out Going into and out of record to replace a section of an existing
recording. This process can be automated in Logic Express. Also see Autopunch function.

PWM Pulse Width Modulation. Synthesizers often feature this facility, where a square
waveform is deformed by adjusting its pulse width. A square waveform usually sounds
hollow, and woody, whereas a pulse width modulated square wave sounds more reedy
and nasal.

Q factor A term generally associated with equalizers. The Q factor is the quality factor of
the equalization, and is used to select a narrower or broader frequency range within the
overall sonic spectrum of the incoming signal.

quantization Time-correction of note positions by moving them to the nearest point on
a selectable grid (this is chosen in the Quantization menu). When quantization is applied
to any selected event or region, Logic Express will move all note events to align perfectly
with the nearest grid position. Logic Express quantization is a non-destructive playback
operation, allowing different quantize values to be auditioned while listening to your

