Working in the media area, Introducing the audio bin – Apple Logic Express 9 User Manual
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• Arrange channel strips: The left channel strip controls the output of the selected arrange
track. The righ channel strip can vary, depending on actions performed in the left
channel strip. For example, the right channel strip can display the first aux or output
destination channel strip for the left channel strip. This feature makes it quick and easy
to set up flexible effects and audio routing schemes. It also provides an at-a-glance
view of processing and routing for the selected arrange track, and you can access all
of the Mixer channel strip functions (volume, pan, sends, inserts, and so on) directly
from the Arrange area. Any adjustments you make to a track’s arrange channel strip
are reflected in the corresponding Mixer channel strip, and vice versa.
To show or hide the contents of the Region or Track Parameter boxes
Click the disclosure triangle to the left of the name in either box.
The contents of that box are displayed or hidden. Closing either box provides room for
the elements below.
To open the Region Parameter box as a floating area
Do one of the following:
Control-click (or right-click) the Region Parameter box, then choose Region Inspector
Float (or use the corresponding key command, default assignment: Option-R).
Double-click the Region Parameter box.
Working in the Media Area
The Media area can be opened or closed by clicking the Media button in the Arrange
toolbar. The Media area is where you manage all files associated with your project,
including audio, video, and plug-in settings. It has four tabs:
• Audio Bin: Helps you to manage all audio files used in the project.
• Loop Browser: Used to search for loop files (Apple Loops, for example).
• Library: Used to search for (and can directly assign) plug-in, channel strip, and MIDI
instrument settings.
• File Browser: Used to search for all Logic Express related files.
Introducing the Audio Bin
The Audio Bin shows all audio files used in the project. You can picture the Bin as an
audio file catalog for the project. It also provides an overview of regions that are derived
from each audio file.
Chapter 3
Overview of the Logic Express Interface