Apple Macintosh PhotoFlash User Manual

Page 74

background image

To change the resolution of a single image, make sure the window you
want the Resize command to affect is the frontmost window, then follow
these steps:


Choose Resize from the Image menu.

The Resize dialog box appears.


If it’s not already selected, click the Image button.


Click the Preserve Size checkbox to select or deselect it.

If the Preserve Size checkbox is selected, the uncompressed size of the image
(labeled New Size in the dialog box) won’t change, no matter how you change
its resolution. Changing the image’s resolution changes its dimensions only.

If the Preserve Size checkbox isn’t selected, the uncompressed size of the
image (labeled New Size in the dialog box) changes when you change the
image’s resolution.


Define the new resolution you want for the image by typing a number in the Resolution
box or choosing a resolution from the Resolution pop-up menu.

When you define a new resolution for a single image, either the Width and
Height boxes change to show the image’s new dimensions (if the Preserve
Size checkbox is selected) or the New Size number changes to indicate the
uncompressed size of the image (if the Preserve Size checkbox isn’t selected).


Chapter 4

Select this checkbox to
preserve the uncompressed
size of the image.

New uncompressed size
of the image file

. . . or drag here to

choose a new


Type a new

resolution here . . .

Image button
