Apple Macintosh PhotoFlash User Manual

Page 19

background image

The Add to Catalog dialog box appears.


Use the Add to Catalog dialog box to locate and select the first image file or folder of
image files that you want to add.


Click Add.

The selected file disappears from the list of files and folders. The text at
the bottom of the dialog box indicates how many folders and files you have
selected so far. If you wish, you can add other image files or folders. Only
image files (whether selected individually or within a folder) will show up in
the catalog.


When you have finished adding image files to the catalog, click Done.

After a few moments, thumbnails for the image file or files you selected
appear in the catalog. If you change your mind about including any of the
images, select the ones you don’t want and press the Backspace or Delete key.


Chapter 1

Click here to include the
selection in the list of files
or folders to be added to
the catalog.

Click here
when you’ve
selecting files.

This shows how many files
and folders you’ve selected to
be added to the catalog.

When you click

Add, PhotoFlash

removes the

selected file or

folder from this list

and then adds it to

the catalog when

you click Done.