Apple Macintosh PhotoFlash User Manual

Page 14

background image

Unless you have moved it since installing PhotoFlash, the PhotoFlash
program should be located in the PhotoFlash folder.


Locate the folder that contains the images you want to include in a new catalog.


Drag the folder icon over the PhotoFlash icon and release the mouse button.

When the folder you are dragging is directly over the PhotoFlash icon, the
icon becomes highlighted. (If it doesn’t become highlighted, you may need to
rebuild your desktop. To do so, hold down the

x and Option keys and restart

your computer.)

After you release the mouse button, PhotoFlash opens a new catalog and
creates thumbnails in the catalog for all the image files in the folder. Like
most new Macintosh documents, the new catalog isn’t saved on your hard disk
until you choose Save As from the File menu and choose a name and location
for the catalog file.

If you drag several folder icons over the PhotoFlash icon at once, the catalog
will include all the images in all the folders. If you drag individual images
over the PhotoFlash icon, PhotoFlash opens the images instead of creating a
catalog for them.


Using Catalogs