Apple Macintosh PhotoFlash User Manual
Page 152

PICT 24, 95–97
recognized by PhotoFlash 24–25
TIFF 24, 97–98
written by PhotoFlash 95–103
File menu commands
Acquire 28–29
Add to Catalog 7–8
Close 6
Duplicate Catalog 6
Duplicate Image 53–54
Export 38–39
Get Info 14–15, 33–34
New 2, 29
Open 5, 25–28
Print 15–16, 37–38
Revert 37
Save 36–37
Save As, for catalogs 4
Save As, for images 34–36, 94–95
Filenames command (Search menu) 18
Filing preferences 127–129
Fit to Window command
(Zoom submenu) 32
Flip command (Image menu) 71
For Similar Images command
(Search menu) 20–22
Get Info command
(File menu) 14–15, 33–34
Graphics compression 96
Hand tool 30
Hard disks, assigning for use
by PhotoFlash virtual
memory 122–124
Hide Tool Palette command
(Window menu) 42
Image menu commands
Crop 54–55
Flip 71
Number of Colors 72–74
Resize 58–65
Rotate 69–70
Straighten 65–67
acquiring 28–29
adjusting brightness and contrast
of 80–81
adjusting colors of 77–78
balancing exposure of 79–80
blurring 82–84
captions for 14–15, 33–34
changing resolution of 63–65
duplicating 53–54
enlarging 30–32
exporting 38–39
flipping 71
getting information
about 14–15, 33–34
moving within a window 30
new 29
opening 25–28
opening from catalogs 14
printing 37–38
reducing 30–32
removing dust from 86–89
removing scratches from 89–92
resizing 55–65
reverting to previously saved
version 37
rotating 67–70
saving 34–37
sharpening 84–86
straightening 65–67
viewing 30–33
Invert Selection command
(Edit menu) 51