Apple Macintosh PhotoFlash User Manual
Page 34

PhotoFlash allows you to work with image files in a variety of formats. This
chapter describes those formats and explains how to open, view, save, and
print image files.
Macintosh image files
Images are stored as files, just like other Macintosh documents. You can get
images from a variety of sources, including Photo CDs, digital cameras such
as Apple’s QuickTake camera, video frame-grabbing programs, scanners, and
online services and bulletin boards. They may be in black and white, shades
of gray, or color.
Image files come in several formats. PhotoFlash can interpret the most
commonly used formats, which means it can open most kinds of image files
you’re likely to run across. You can also use PhotoFlash to convert image files
from one format to another.
When a color image is stored as a Macintosh file, the file includes
information about the number of colors that appear in the image. In general,
the more colors an image file can use, the better the image looks on the
screen; but image files that use a lot of colors take up more room on disk than
files that are restricted to fewer colors. For more information about the use of
color in image files, see “Changing the Number of Colors Used by an Image”
in Chapter 4, “Manipulating Images.”
Working With Image Files