Tiff – Apple Macintosh PhotoFlash User Manual

Page 107

background image



Use this option when working with photographic images

generated by a digital video camera or a scanner. Photo-JPEG compression
helps maintain the subtle shades of image detail while creating the
smallest possible PICT image file.



Use this option if you are modifying an individual frame of a

QuickTime video sequence. This format forces the image to use thousands
of colors.

When you choose any option other than None, the Quality slider in the Save
As PICT dialog box becomes active. Drag the Quality slider control to the
setting you want.

Qualities range from 1 to 100.

A setting of 1 provides the lowest image quality and the most compression
(smallest size of the image file).

A setting of 100 offers the highest image quality and the least compression
(largest size of the image file).


TIFF stands for Tagged Image File Format. A TIFF file includes information
about the file’s characteristics that allows many different kinds of computers
to open and interpret the color and image data in the file. For example, PC-
DOS computers and UNIX


workstations can open and use image files saved

in the TIFF file format on a Macintosh.

Virtually all page layout programs support the TIFF file format, and many
recommend using TIFF files when you place or import an image file into a
layout file.


Converting and Compressing Files

Quality slider