Apple Macintosh PhotoFlash User Manual

Page 63

background image

You can use commands in the Image menu to crop, resize, straighten, rotate,
or flip an image or to change the number of colors it uses. If part of the image
is currently selected, you can use commands in the Image menu or the
equivalent tools in the PhotoFlash Tool palette to crop the image to the
selection or to resize, rotate, or flip just the selection.

For a quick summary of the way the tools in the Tool palette work, see the
beginning of Chapter 3, “Working With Selections.”

This chapter describes in detail how to manipulate images by using
commands in the Image menu and how to manipulate selections by using the
Crop, Resize, and Rotate tools in the PhotoFlash tool palette. For information
about using commands in the Enhance menu and the other Action tools in the
PhotoFlash Tool palette, see Chapter 5, “Enhancing Images.”

Duplicating an image

Before you begin to experiment on an image with PhotoFlash commands and
tools, it’s usually a good idea to make a copy and make your changes to the
copy. That way you can try out anything you like without danger of losing the
original image. When you’ve finished adjusting the copy to make it look the
way you want, you can save it like any other image file.



Manipulating Images