Apple Macintosh PhotoFlash User Manual

Page 149

background image

JPEG (Joint PhotoGraphic Experts Group)

A standard method of compressing

image files. You can apply JPEG compression to files saved in most of the
formats that PhotoFlash supports, including the JPEG file format.

Photo CD

A file format used to save photographs on Kodak Photo CDs.

PhotoFlash can open Photo CD files but can’t save files in this format.


The standard Macintosh format for image files. PICT files can also be

opened in the Windows environment if QuickTime is installed in the
Windows system.


A unit of measure that equals one-sixth of an inch, typically used to

measure blocks of text.


A small dot of color on a computer screen.

plug-in module

A special file that conforms to Adobe Photoshop’s standard

plug-in specifications. Plug-in modules stored in the Plug-ins folder inside the
PhotoFlash folder provide additional capabilities that you can use from within


A series of instructions written in a scripting language such as

AppleScript. When you run a script, AppleScript sends the instructions it
contains to one or more applications specified in the script, which perform
the tasks the script describes.


A miniature representation of an image that appears in a catalog or

a dialog box.

TIFF (Tagged Image File Format)

A file format for both Macintosh and MS-DOS

system software, commonly used to transfer files between systems.

virtual memory

A technique that allows a program to use available space on

one or more hard disks as if it were RAM. PhotoFlash’s use of virtual memory
is completely independent from System 7’s use of virtual memory as shown
in the Memory control panel.For best results with all Macintosh computers
other than Power Macintosh computers, turn virtual memory off in the
Memory control panel when PhotoFlash is using its own virtual memory.

work area

The total area of an image, including unused pixels (white by

default) around the edges of the image itself. You can use the Resize
command to change the dimensions of the work area.

