Index – Apple Macintosh PhotoFlash User Manual

Page 150

background image


Accelerator cards and

PhotoFlash 137–138

Acquire command (File menu) 28–29
Action tools, summarized 42
Add to Catalog command

(File menu) 7–8

Adjust Colors command

(Enhance menu) 77–78

Animation compression 96
Application programs, launching from

PhotoFlash 111, 116

Arrange command (Window menu) 33
Automating tasks 109–120


Balance Exposure command

(Enhance menu) 79–80

Blur command (Enhance menu) 82–83
Blur tool 82–84
Brightness, adjusting 80–81
Brightness/Contrast command

(Enhance menu) 80–81


Caption Text command

(Search menu) 16–17


adding or editing 14–15, 33–34
printing 38

Catalogs 1–22

adding image files to 6–8
closing 6
creating 2–4
defined 1
duplicating 6
opening 5–6
opening images from 14
printing 15–16
resizing windows of 9
saving 4
searching for images in 16–22
sorting thumbnails in 13
thumbnails 10–14

Changed label, for thumbnails 10
Changing an image’s dimensions 58–61
Changing an image’s resolution 63–65
Changing the dimensions of an image’s

work area 61–63

