Clearing route flap dampening statistics, Removing route flap dampening – Brocade Communications Systems Layer 3 Routing Configuration ICX 6650 User Manual

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Brocade ICX 6650 Layer 3 Routing Configuration Guide


Clearing route flap dampening statistics

Syntax: clear ip bgp neighbor all | ip-addr | peer-group-name | as-num traffic

The all | ip-addr | peer-group-name | as-num option specifies the neighbor. The ip-addr parameter
specifies a neighbor by its IP interface with the Layer 3 switch. The peer-group-name specifies all
neighbors in a specific peer group. The as-num parameter specifies all neighbors within the
specified AS. The all parameter specifies all neighbors.

Clearing route flap dampening statistics

To clear route flap dampening statistics, use the following CLI method.


Clearing the dampening statistics for a route does not change the dampening status of the route.

To clear all the route dampening statistics, enter the following command at any level of the CLI.

Brocade#clear ip bgp flap-statistics

Syntax: clear ip bgp flap-statistics [regular-expression regular-expression | address mask |

neighbor ip-addr]

The parameters are the same as those for the show ip bgp flap-statistics command (except the
longer-prefixes option is not supported). Refer to

“Displaying route flap dampening statistics”


page 359.


The clear ip bgp damping command not only clears statistics but also un-suppresses the routes.
Refer to

“Displaying route flap dampening statistics”

on page 359.

Removing route flap dampening

You can un-suppress routes by removing route flap dampening from the routes. The Layer 3 switch
allows you to un-suppress all routes at once or un-suppress individual routes.

To un-suppress all the suppressed routes, enter the following command at the Privileged EXEC level
of the CLI.

Brocade#clear ip bgp damping

Syntax: clear ip bgp damping [ip-addr ip-mask]

The ip-addr parameter specifies a particular network.

The ip-mask parameter specifies the network mask.

To un-suppress a specific route, enter a command such as the following.

Brocade#clear ip bgp damping

This command un-suppresses only the routes for network