Showing ipsec policy – Brocade Communications Systems Layer 3 Routing Configuration ICX 6650 User Manual
Page 293

Brocade ICX 6650 Layer 3 Routing Configuration Guide
Displaying OSPF V3 Information
Showing IPsec policy
The show ipsec policy command displays the database for the IPsec security policies. The fields for
this show command output appear in the screen output example that follows. However, you should
understand the layout and column headings for the display before trying to interpret the
information in the example screen.
Each policy entry consists of two categories of information:
The policy information
The SA used by the policy
The policy information line in the screen begins with the heading Ptype and also has the headings
Dir, Proto, Source (Prefix:TCP.UDP Port), and Destination (Prefix:TCP/UDPPort). The SA line
contains the SPDID, direction, encapsulation (always ESP in the current release), the user-specified
SPI, For readability, the policy information is described in
, and SA-specific information is in
Syntax: show ipsec policy
This command takes no parameters.
IPsec policy information
This field contains the policy type. Of the existing policy types, only the “use”
policy type is supported, so each entry can have only “use.”
The direction of traffic flow to which the IPsec policy is applied. Each direction
has its own entry.
The only possible routing protocol for the security policy in the current release
is OSPFv3.
Brocade#show ipsec policy
IPSEC Security Policy Database(Entries:8)
PType Dir Proto Source(Prefix:TCP/UDP Port) Destination(Prefix:TCP/UDPPort)
SA: SPDID(if) Dir Encap SPI Destination
use in OSPF 2001:db8::/10:any ::/0:any
SA: eth1/1/2 in ESP 302 FE80::
use out OSPF 2001:db8::/10:any ::/0:any
SA: eth1/1/2 out ESP 302 ::
use in OSPF 2001:db8::/10:any ::/0:any
SA: eth1/1/1 in ESP 302 FE80::
use out OSPF 2001:db8::/10:any ::/0:any
SA: eth1/1/1 out ESP 302 ::
use in OSPF 2001:db8:1::1/128:any 2001:db8:1::2/128:any
SA: ethALL in ESP 512 10:1:1::2
use out OSPF 2001:db8:1::2/128:any 2001:db8:1::1/128:any
SA: eth1/1/1 out ESP 512 35:1:1::1
use in OSPF 2001:db8:1::1/128:any 2001:db8:1::2/128:any
SA: ethALL in ESP 512 10:1:1::2
use out OSPF 2001:db8:1::2/128:any 2001:db8:1::1/128:any
SA: 2:e1/1/2 out ESP 512 2001:db8:1::1