Configuring rip, Enabling rip – Brocade Communications Systems Layer 3 Routing Configuration ICX 6650 User Manual
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Brocade ICX 6650 Layer 3 Routing Configuration Guide
Configuring RIP
Configuring RIP
If you want the Brocade device to use Routing Information Protocol (RIP), you must enable the
protocol globally, and then enable RIP on individual ports. When you enable RIP on a port, you also
must specify the version (version 1 only, version 2 only, or version 1 compatible with version 2).
Optionally, you also can set or change the following parameters:
Route redistribution – You can enable the software to redistribute static routes from the IP
route table into RIP. Redistribution is disabled by default.
Learning of default routes – The default is disabled.
Loop prevention (split horizon or poison reverse) – The default is poison reverse.
Enabling RIP
RIP is disabled by default. You must enable the protocol both globally and on the ports on which
you want to use RIP.
To enable RIP globally, enter the following command.
Brocade(config)#router rip
Syntax: [no] router rip
To enable RIP on a port and specify the RIP version, enter commands such as the following.
Brocade(config-rip-router)#interface ethernet 1/1/1
Brocade(config-if-e10000-1/1/1)#ip rip v1-only
These commands change the CLI to the configuration level for port 1 and enable RIP version 1 on
the interface. You must specify the version.
Syntax: interface ethernet port
Syntax: [no] ip rip v1-only | v1-compatible-v2 | v2-only
Specify the port variable in the format stack-unit/slotnum/portnum.
Enabling redistribution of IP static routes into RIP
By default, the software does not redistribute the IP static routes in the route table into RIP. To
configure redistribution, perform the following tasks.
1. Configure redistribution filters (optional).
You can configure filters to permit or deny redistribution for a route based on the route metric.
You also can configure a filter to change the metric. You can configure up to 64 redistribution
filters. The software uses the filters in ascending numerical order and immediately takes the
action specified by the filter. Thus, if filter 1 denies redistribution of a given route, the software
does not redistribute the route, regardless of whether a filter with a higher ID permits
redistribution of that route.
The default redistribution action is permit, even after you configure and apply a permit or deny
filter. To deny redistribution of specific routes, you must configure a deny filter.