User – RADWAG MAX 60 Moisture Analyzer User Manual
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Test the drying chamber
17/04/2013 15:03:42
Balance Id: 01
Number of calibration kit: 0
Temperature setpoint: 120
The final temperature: 120
The temperature measured: 119
Permissible error: 3
Status: OK
The test result can be printed on
a printer connected to a moisture
analyzer by pressing PRINT
button. An example of a report
from drying chamber test is
presented in the table on the left.
Return to the main menu by
pressing Esc button for a number
of times.
Determining content of a printout for GLP procedures
This group of parameters enables determining name of a user and project, and
declaring other data to be printed in reports and standard printouts. All data can
be easily inserted using either moisture analyzer’s keyboard or an external
computer keyboard PS/2 type connected to balance’s port.
It is recommended to use an external computer keyboard PS/2 type, as it
is a much faster and easier means of entering text.
Enter menu group P2 GLP
Enter user name:
Using moisture analyzer’s keyboard
Press navigating arrow to enter the settings of parameter 01 User, where a
name or a number of a user operating the moisture analyzer is entered. The
name/number can include letters and/or numbers , maximum 8 characters. Use
navigating arrow keys. All letters and numbers are displayed in sequence and
in a closed circuit. Select a neede character. Next move the cursor to the right