RADWAG WLY Scales User Manual
Page 209

A numeric value is comprehended as an optional number or an optional
mathematical operation that returns a numeric value.
There are additional functions that modify the text values, and they can also
operate on numbers that are coverted to text:
remove (“text value”, initial place (number), quantity of characters to be
removed (number)) – a return is a residue after deleting a part of the text
value, from the initial point to a determined quantity of characters. In
case the third parameter is not specified the text value will be deleted till
its end.
substring (“text value”, initial place (number), quantity of characers to be
copied (number)) – a return is copied text value from the initial point to a
quantity of characters to be copied. In case the third parameter is not
specified the text value will be copied till the end.
tolower (“text value”) – a return is a complete text value in small letters.
toupper (“text value”) – a return is a complete text value in capital letters.
replace (“text value”, old text, new text) – a return is a text with replaced
letters of parts of the text, determined in the second and their parameter.
The text values are put in quotation marks “ ”.
remove (“Text sample”,11)
– the operation causes returning a text value:
“Text sample”.
toupper (“Text sample”)
– the operation causes returning a text value
replace (“Text sample”, “text ”, “text”)
- the operation causes returning
a text value “Text sample”.
replace (”2.000”,”0”,”1”)
- the operation causes returning a text value
“2.111”. The value can be used for standard mathematical calculations,
where it will be converted “on the fly” in case the operation requires it.