Database of average tares – RADWAG WLY Scales User Manual

Page 179

background image



Average value of weighings


Disqualifying average value


Standard deviation

Batch quantity

Number of products in a batch for which a sample

quantity is calculated

Sample quantity

Number of weighings to be performed

33.7.11. Database of average tares

Before starting control it is possible to

perform the procedure of estimating average tare that consist in weighing

empty packages. Every such procedure is automatically saved in database

Average Tares>

. Every report saved in the database is given a unique

number given after the procedure has been completed.

Report number pattern:

X / y y / M M / d d / H H / m m / T

, where:

X - Test mode:

U – regulation compliant test,

Z – test terminated by an operator,

yy – the last two digits of year,

MM - month,

dd - day,

HH - hour,

mm - minute of test complation.

T – average tare estimation

Users can view data from subsequent average tare tests



Enter submenu <


according to ch. 33 of this manual,

Enter database <

Average Tares>

and choose a required one.

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