Using the service cache command, Using the ip radius source-interface command – ADC SG-1 User Manual
Page 104
Chapter 7: Second Level Commands
Using the service cache command
The SG-1 is able to cache each received service's information based on a configured aging time. Operating this
capability via the service cache command causes the system to authenticate a service once during the specified
aging period. The caching key is the service name, while the maximum number of cached services in the system is
200. The system does not cache new services when its reached its caching limit. This is beneficial because it
substantially reduces the number of RADIUS access request messages.
service cache off|[on [aging-time] < minutes>]
Aging-time in minutes (valid values are 1 - 9999; the default value is 10).
Using the ip radius source-interface command
This command is used to define the radius source interface. It enables configuration of the radius source-interface.
Only one source interface may be defined.
The system default radius source interface type is "default," which indicates the primary interface. When configured
to its default value, the write terminal command does not present the ip radius source interface command line.
ip radius source-interface [Ethernet
ber>\ < sub-interface number> | VLAN
interface number> | session-interface | Default]
Table 7-8. ip radius source-interface parameters
Host(config)# radius-proxy client key poiplk auth-port 78
acct-port 589
Host(config)# service cache
Host(config)# service cache on aging-time 32
Host(config)# ip radius source-interface
Interface type.
Optional Values: Ethernet, Loopback,
ATM, and Default.
Default value: Default
Session-interface: it is the session
incoming interface IP address.
PMC slot number.
0 - 2
SONET physical port number.
1 - 2
Sub interface number.
1- 2000