HP StorageWorks 3000 RAID Array User Manual

Page 45

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Installing and Setting Up the Command Console Client 2-19

Compaq Confidential – Need to Know Required

Writer: Bob Young Project: Command Console V2.2 for the RAID Array 3000 (Pedestal and Rack Mount Models) User’s Guide Comments:

Part Number: AA-RBF2C-TE File Name: c-ch2 Installing and Setting Up the Command Client.doc Last Saved On: 12/5/00 10:31 AM

Figure 2-16 shows the Adding an agent system to the Navigation Tree

Select Add System from the File menu.

Enter the host name and click Apply.

Figure 2-16. Adding an agent system to the Navigation Tree

CAUTION: If the Agent is stopped, status changes in the Navigation Tree, in the
storage window, and in the Windows NT event viewer will not be received. To
obtain the latest status after the Agent has been stopped, you will need to
refresh the display for that system in the Navigation Tree (File|Refresh System)
and in the storage window (View|Refresh). Instead of using the refresh option,
you can close and then open the navigation window and storage window. If
others are managing that system, ask them to notify you before they stop the
Agent software.