HP Integrity NonStop J-Series User Manual
Page 79

NonStop User Library — A project that builds a NonStop user library (TNS/R only).
NonStop Makefile Project — An application using a makefile provided by you.
Select either one or both tool chains in the Toolchains list, depending on whether you want
to build for TNS/R, TNS/E, or both.
Select Next > to continue to the Initial Build Settings page of the wizard:
Figure 32 Initial Build Settings page (COBOL executable project)
In the Target platform: row, choose the project platform by selecting either the OSS or Guardian
button. This selection determines the initial value of the TARGET_SYSTYPE macro, which is
the default argument passed to -Wsystype= (for compiler and linker invocations) and -q
(for Deploy tool invocations).
If you chose the TNS/R tool chain, select the PIC or Non-PIC button in the TNS/R executable
type: row depending on whether or not you want to build an executable with position
independent code.
If you chose the TNS/E tool chain (and not TNS/R) and your project will use C or C++, then
choose the c89 or c99 button in the TNS/E compiler: row to indicate the C/C++ cross compiler
for builds. This option is disabled if you chose the TNS/R tool chain or if you are creating a
COBOL or pTAL project without C or C++ as additional languages.
Depending on your tool chain selections, a TNS/E tools root: row, a TNS/R tools root: row,
or both are displayed. Select the root directories of the RVUs to build your project for TNS/E
and TNS/R. If the tools root combo box is empty, select the Configure locations... link to
establish the cross compilers and tools locations on your system.
In the Cygwin/Msys bin: row, select a bin directory for Cygwin or Msys if you want NSDEE
to prepend the bin path to PATH prior to builds. Leave the setting blank if you added Cygwin
or Msys bin to PATH yourself and NSDEE inherits the PATH setting. If no Cygwin or Msys
is available in the Cygwin/Msys bin: combo box, select the Configure locations... link to
establish the location of Cygwin or Msys.
Creating projects