Comp_root, Mxsqlc and mxsqlco, Nsdee_sys_include_path – HP Integrity NonStop J-Series User Manual
Page 46

Table 3 Build variables and environment variables (continued)
Local Projects Type
Variable Name
(Remote) property page. You can
use these variables to create
custom deploy targets.
Used as argument to
-Wcobol="CONSULT..." for
projects using SQL/MX.
Many more build variables are set up by Eclipse and CDT available to use in makefiles
and in the Tool Settings tab of the Settings property page. These include ${ProjName} (name of
your project), ${ProjDirPath} (full path to your project), ${ConfigName} (name of your active
build configuration), and many more. For details, see the Eclipse Workbench Guide or the C/C++
Development User Guide.
is an environment variable that tells cross compilers where to look for system header
files. For TNS/E systems, $COMP_ROOT/usr/include is the equivalent of $SYSTEM.SYSTEM
on Guardian and /usr/include on OSS. (For more information, see NonStop language
programmer's guides such as the C/C++ Programmer's Guide for NonStop Systems).
You can install multiple versions of compilers, typically under:
C:\Program Files\HP NonStop\
on your Windows system, where RVU_ID is the ID of the RVU a particular set of tools was released
on. (For older installations, the location is C:\Program Files\Compaq ETK-NSE\
Examples of actual COMP_ROOT locations:
C:\Program Files\HP NonStop\H06.24
(RVU H06.24 for TNS/E)
C:\Program Files\HP NonStop\G06.32
(RVU G06.32 for TNS/R)
NSDEE sets COMP_ROOT based on your choices using the following combo boxes when you create
a project:
The same combo boxes are available on the Tool Locations property page if you change cross
compilers after project creation.
If you choose two tool chains for a project, COMP_ROOT is defined differently for TNS/R and TNS/E
build configurations.
Managed builds always define COMP_ROOT. Having NSDEE define COMP_ROOT for unmanaged
builds is optional. Do not have NSDEE set COMP_ROOT if your makefile already sets it.
and MXSQLCO are set to the locations of the C and COBOL versions of the DLL for SQL/MX
preprocessing named mxsqlcnt.dll based on settings in the Tool Locations property page.
NSDEE uses the NSDEE_SYS_INCLUDE_PATH environment variable to define where the C/C++
indexer looks for system headers. NSDEE_SYS_INCLUDE_PATH is derived from the tools roots