HP Integrity NonStop J-Series User Manual
Page 20

Select Next >. The resulting Remote Settings dialog opens. Specify a transfer location on a
NonStop server for final build objects. If you chose SQL/MP or SQL/MX on the previous
page, specify NonStop server locations for SQL compiles.
If you added a connection configuration (see
“Configuring connections to NonStop systems”
), you can choose that system from the Target system/user (-h/-u): combo box drop
down and provide a target destination and file name. Or leave the settings blank and add
them to the project at a later time. You can also open the Network Connections preference
page from the Remote Settings page by selecting the Edit... button.
Select Next >. The resulting Select Configurations dialog shows the build configurations that
NSDEE will create for this project. Build configurations are a group of settings to use for a
build. By default, NSDEE creates build configurations specific to debug and release builds of
the project. You can add additional build configurations after project creation.
Getting started