HP Integrity NonStop J-Series User Manual
Page 24

Select OK in the C Element Filters dialog.
To hide .project and .cproject, return to the C Element Filters dialog.
The .project and .cproject files define attributes of the Car project, including any
customizations. If you save your projects in a Source Configuration Management system, you must
save these files in addition to your source code.
For information about how to build, deploy, and launch Car, first see
properties of managed projects” (page 34)
because the build will fail unless you specify the location
of the headers directory to the cross compiler. Then see
“Building, deploying, and launching a
Creating a managed project by pulling existing sources into your workspace
This section provides an example of creating a managed project named GeneralCpp using
existing sources copied into your workspace. This is a two-step process. First, you create an empty
project. Then, you import the sources for GeneralCpp.
To create the GeneralCpp project, from the NonStop Development perspective:
Open the NonStop C++ Project wizard using one of the following methods:
Select File
→New→C++ Project
Select C++ Project from the pull-down menu of the New NonStop Project icon
in the
main tool bar.
Select New
→C++ Project from the context menu of the NonStop Project Explorer view.
In the resulting NonStop C++ Project wizard:
Enter GeneralCpp in the Project name: field.
Under Project type:, select Empty Project in the NonStop Executable folder.
Under Toolchains:, select C-C++ TNS-E Tools.
Getting started