Location of sql/mx preprocessor output, Primary build targets for a c program with sql/mx – HP Integrity NonStop J-Series User Manual
Page 61

build configuration.
shows where the sqlmx.c file is written for a Debug
build of sqlmx.ec.
Figure 14 Location of SQL/MX preprocessor output
The C/C++ SQL/MX Compile tool invokes the C compiler with options for performing an SQL/MX
compile. The deploy target for the main makefile or SQL/MX builds results in both an SQL/MX
compile and an invocation of Deploy.jar.
Example 6 “Primary build targets for a C program
shows an example of the primary build targets for SQL/MX projects.
Example 6 Primary build targets for a C program with SQL/MX
# All Target
all: sqlmx.txe
# Tool invocations
sqlmx.txe: $(OBJS) $(USER_OBJS)
@echo 'Building target: $@'
@echo 'Invoking: C Linker (TNS/E)'
c89 -Wsystype=oss -Wcall_shared -o "sqlmx.txe" $(OBJS) $(USER_OBJS) $(LIBS)
@echo 'Finished building target: $@'
@echo ' '
sqlmx_compile: sqlmx.txe
@echo 'Invoking: C/C++ SQL/MX Compile (TNS/E)'
c89 -Wsqlloc="/home/chloe/testdir" -Wmxcmp=replace \
-Wsqlhost=nonstopsystem.corp.net -Wsqluser=sdev.chloe, \
`"C:/e3.7/eclipse/plugins/com.hp.nsdee_1.0.0/Tools/nsdee-auth.exe" \
deploy nonstopsystem.corp.net sdev.chloe` -Wmxcmp_files="sqlmx.txe"
@echo 'Finished building: $@'
@echo ' '
deploy: sqlmx_compile
@echo 'Invoking: Deploy Tool'
java -jar "C:/e3.7/eclipse/plugins/com.hp.nsdee_1.0.0/Tools/Deploy.jar" \
-dir="/home/chloe/testdir" -r="test.txe" -q=oss -code=800 -mode=bin \
-p=22 -t=sftp -h=nonstopsystem.corp.net -u=sdev.chloe -f="sqlmx.txe"
@echo 'Finished building: $@'
@echo ' '
As in
Example 6 “Primary build targets for a C program with SQL/MX”
, make all (Project
> Build Project)
builds the executable, sqlmx.txe and all dependent object files, whereas
make deploy (Project > Deploy Project)
initiates an SQL/MX compile (dependent
target sqlmx_compile) followed by a file transfer using Deploy.jar.
Tool chains