4 concepts, Nsdee overview, Managed and unmanaged builds – HP Integrity NonStop J-Series User Manual
Page 39: Local projects, Managed and unmanaged builds local projects
4 Concepts
This chapter supplements the "Concepts" chapter of the C/C++ Development User Guide, providing
details specific to NonStop development.
NSDEE overview
NSDEE extends Eclipse's C/C++ Development Tooling (CDT) to enable its use for developing
NonStop applications, including applications built with C, C++, COBOL, pTAL, SQL/MP, and
SQL/MX. NSDEE provides the full range CDT development capabilities for Windows-hosted C
and C++ projects, and a subset of CDT capabilities for COBOL and pTAL projects and for remote
projects using any programming language.
In NSDEE, your application's sources must be grouped into named projects which can then be
compiled into a final build object such as an executable or library. A typical use scenario is to
create one project for the final build target (such as an executable file) and separate projects for
building supporting libraries that are linked into the final executable.
NonStop projects can be either local or remote. For local projects, source files reside on Windows
and builds are performed on Windows using cross compilers. For remote projects, sources reside
on a remote NonStop system and builds are performed on remote NonStop systems using native
compilers, however, edits and builds are initiated from NSDEE running on Windows.
Managed and unmanaged builds
NSDEE provides two approaches to building applications—managed builds and unmanaged
builds. Managed builds are available only for local Windows-hosted builds. Managed builds
create makefiles and manage builds on your behalf (though you can still customize managed builds
via makefile include declarations in auto-generated makefiles). Unmanaged builds require that
you supply your own makefile. Unmanaged builds are supported for both local and remote projects.
For managed builds, you must specify one or more tool chains for use in builds when you create
a project. A tool chain is a group of tools (such as NonStop cross compilers) used to build an
application for a particular target architecture. NSDEE supports both TNS/R and TNS/E tool
chains, and automatically detects the locations of tools installed in standard locations.
Local projects
Most resources for local projects (such as source files and cross compilers) reside on your Windows
system. Local project builds occur on Windows and are typically driven by the make program as
provided by either Cygwin or Msys on Windows. NSDEE invokes make, for example, when you
choose Build Project from the Project menu.
To create a local project from scratch, select one of the following local project types from File
C Project
C++ Project
COBOL Project
pTAL Project
The type of project you choose corresponds to the compiler you want to drive the final link for the
project. For executable projects, this is the compiler associated with the language of the main entry
point for the executable. For library projects, the compiler that drives linking is less important, but
HP recommends selecting a project type that reflects the language most commonly used in the
library to be built.
NSDEE overview