Adding advanced query criteria – HP SAN Virtualization Services Platform User Manual
Page 334

Specify your query criteria. You can do the following:
• Specify an exact object name, as follows: Enter the name in the Name field. Check Match
whole word. To make the query case sensitive, check Match case.
• Specify text to query for in objects’ names, as follows: Enter the text in the name field. Do not
check Match whole word. The query will return objects whose names include the text that you
entered in the Name field. To make the query case sensitive, check Match case.
The match case checkbox setting only applies to the Name field. Other string-based criteria
are not controlled by this setting. For example, in the Additional Choices tab, you can specify
that the object’s comment should include specific text. This is not controlled by the Match case
checkbox setting.
• Specify object statuses using the Status/Type tab. The statuses that appear on the Status/Type
tab depend on the possible statuses of the object type for which you are querying.
• Specify object properties using the Properties tab. The properties that appear on the Properties
tab are specific to the object type for which you are querying.
• Specify additional object properties using the Additional Choices tab. The properties that
appear on the Additional Choices tab are common to all object types, such as creation time
and comment text.
• Define advanced criteria using the Advanced tab. These criteria are based on an object’s
relationship with other object types. For example, if you are querying for snapshots, you can
specify whether or not to return snapshots that have PiTs. For more details, see “
Click Reset at any time to clear your search criteria.
Click Apply. The criteria are added to the query.
Adding advanced query criteria
Advanced query criteria are criteria based on an object’s relationship with other object types. For
example, if you are querying for virtual disks, you can specify whether or not to return virtual disks
that belong to specific VDGs.
This procedure describes how to use the Advanced tab to add advanced query criteria within the
query process described in “
Working with queries