Hp pmp data differs from utilization provider data, Differences in memory data, Differences in network data – HP Matrix Operating Environment Software User Manual
Page 19: Related topics
Table 2-2 A comparison of agentless data collection and use of Utilization WBEM Provider (continued)
Utilization Provider (UP)
Agentless data collection
Slight additional load on network incurred once per day
Small additional load on the network incurred by the
ongoing operation of the agentless data collection service
Data collection starts within 24 hours of configuring the
system using Insight managed system setup wizard.
However, if the UP is already running on the managed
system, the data collected may cover an interval as long
as 30 days previous to configuration in Insight Dynamics.
Data collection starts within a few minutes of configuring
the system using Insight managed system setup wizard
HP PMP data differs from Utilization Provider data
Differences in data imported from HP Performance Management Pack (HP PMP) affect how you
should interpret resulting analysis and scenarios as compared to data collected from the Utilization
Differences in memory data
Capacity Advisor normally measures memory collected from the Utilization Provider, which
returns the sum of memory allocated to the processes on the system.
HP PMP collection provides the total memory less the zeroed, free, and standby memory.
This means that HP PMP counts memory used by the operating system, whereas the Utilization
Provider does not. The memory use reported by HP PMP is about 20% higher than memory use
reported by the Utilization Provider.
Because Capacity Advisor assumes a different memory amount than HP PMP provides, Capacity
Advisor may overestimate the memory needed when using HP PMP data to analyze stacking
several application instances in a system running a single instance of an operating system.
While either the Utilization Provider data or the HP PMP data can be used to plan memory size
in a new configuration, you should not use a mix of HP PMP and Utilization Provider data when
looking for a trend in memory utilization.
Differences in network data
HP PMP does not report the correct network I/O when network interface cards (NICs) are being
teamed for network fault tolerance (for example, by using HP Network Config utility).
That is, for a system with 2 NICs teamed as one single logical NIC, Utilization Provider reports
the addition of TX and RX Mbps for the teamed NIC.
HP PMP adds the metrics from the 2 NICs, ignoring that they are working as a teamed NIC.
For a teamed configuration, the HP PMP network utilization curve will be always twice that of
the Utilization Provider data.
If you know you have teamed NICs, or if you suspect your imported network data is twice as
high as it should be, you will want to instruct Capacity Advisor to ignore the imported data.
When logged in as a user authorized to use the Capacity Advisor toolbox on the CMS, you will
be able to mark data as invalid. You can do this from a profile viewer, or by using the
(1M) command.
Related topics
“Data handling for virtual machines” (page 23)
“Using the Profile Viewer” (page 67)
“Command reference” (page 133)
Data collection