HP Matrix Operating Environment Software User Manual

Page 194

background image



data, 15

peak width, 15
peaks and sums, 25
percent of time

limit example, 29

percentage of allocation

defined, 29


calculating for a virtual machine in a cluster, 58


determining where to put a workload using automated

solution finding, 52

estimating the effect of adding or moving processors,


server consolidation, 36
with Capacity Advisor, 35

PMP, importing data into Capacity Advisor, 57
point aggregation

for trend calculation, 32


adjusting calibration, 30
calibrating for multiple systems in Capacity Advisor

scenario, 109

calibrating for multiple systems in Virtualization

Manager, 107

calibrating for single system in Capacity Advisor

scenario, 108

calibrating for single system in Virtualization Manager,


calibrating one system at a time, 109
calibration options in Capacity Advisor scenario, 105,

107, 108, 109

initial calibration, 108

power cap

data in Capacity Advisor, 30

power consumption, 25
power settings

editing in Profile Viewer, 69


access Capacity Advisor Profile Viewer from HP SIM


menu, 68

access Capacity Advisor Profile Viewer from

Visualization menu, 68

access Capacity Advisor Profile Viewer when editing

a scenario, 68

accessing a scenario forecast model, 84
accessing Capacity Advisor, 55
accessing global forecast model, 82
add global utilization limits in Capacity Advisor, 79
add scenario-wide utilization limits in Capacity

Advisor, 80

add scenario-wide workload utilization limits in

Capacity Advisor, 81

add workload utilization limits in Capacity Advisor,


adding an existing system, 94
adding existing systems to a scenario, 94

adding VM hosts to an existing cluster, 97
altering the automated nightly data collection, 58
ascertaining data collection period for set of servers,


assigning VM hosts to a VMware DRS cluster in a

scenario, 96

automated consolidation to VMs

choose destination systems, 110
choose systems to consolidate, 110
set level of effort, 111
view solutions, 111

automated load balance of servers

view solutions, 114

automated load balance of VM hosts

choose VM hosts to load-balance, 113
view solutions, 114

automated load-balance of servers

define constraints, 114

automated load-balance of VM hosts

define constraints, 114
set level of effort, 114

automated workload stacking

choose workloads to stack, 116
open scenario, 116
set level of effort, 117
stack workloads, 116
view solutions, 117

automating finding solution for workload stacking,


automating finding solutions for system consolidation

to VMs, 109

calculating a virtualization consolidation ratio, 75
calibrating power for a single system in Virtualization

Manager, 105

calibrating power in Virtualization Manager, 107
calibrating power within a scenario, 107, 108
change the data range in Capacity Advisor, 89
change the meter bar calculation in a scenario, 90
change the meter scale of a scenario display, 88
change time and data range in profile viewer, 70
change view of system hierarchy in profile viewer, 69
collect Capacity Advisor data, 55
controlling Capacity Advisor data presentation, 88
copying a scenario, 90
creating a collection schedule, 60
creating a consolidation candidates report, 76
creating a cost allocation report, 76
creating a peak summary report, 76
creating a planning scenario, 86
creating a population report, 77
creating a power report, 78
creating a scenario comparison report, 74
creating a scenario report, 73
creating a system, 93
creating a trend report, 77
creating a workload in a scenario, 100
creating an historic utilization report, 72
defining a forecast model, 85
defining a forecast model for a workload or system, 84

