IAI America PCON-CFA User Manual
Page 233
Positioning Start (CSTR):Used in the position/simple direct mode PLC output signal
This signal is processed at the startup (ON edge) and the positioning is performed to the target position with
the specified position No. or set using the PLC's target position register.
Whether if the target position with the specified position No. is used or the setting using the PLC's target
position register is used, depends on the Control Signal b11: “Position/Simplified Direct Value Change-Over
(PMOD) Signal”.
x PMODዙOFF: Target position data for the specified position No. is used.
x PMODዙON :Value for the target position set using the PLC's target position register is used.
When this signal is issued in the condition where the home return operation has not performed at all after
the power injection (HEND signal OFF), the positioning to the target position is performed after the home
return operation is performed automatically.
Turn “OFF” this signal after confirming that the Positioning Completion Signal (HEND) signal has been
turned “OFF”.
Positioning Command (DSTR):
Used in the half direct mode and full direct mode
PLC output signal
This signal is processed at the startup (ON edge) and the positioning to the target position input in the
PLC's target position register is performed. When this signal is issued in the condition where the home
return operation has not performed at all after the power injection (HEND signal OFF), an alarm is issued
(Operation Cancellation Level).
Turn “OFF” this signal after confirming that the Positioning Completion Signal (PEND) signal has been
turned “OFF”.
Moving Signal (MOVE) PLC input signal
This signal is turned ON while the actuator's slider or rod is moving.(Including the pressing or jog operation
after the home return operation)
After the completion of the positioning, home return or pressing operation, or during the pause condition,
this signal is turned “ON”.
Target position
Target position