PASCO Xplorer-GLX Users’ Guide User Manual

Page 67

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X p l o r e r G L X U s e r s ’ G u i d e




. The GLX starts measuring, but not recording. A blinking flag

icon (

) appears in the upper right-hand corner. Another flag icon appears

at the left side of the first table row.


Press the right arrow key. Notice that the flag icon moves to first cell of one
column. If there is another column displaying collected data (not manually
entered) press the right arrow again to move the icon to that column. This
icon indicates which cell will collect data when you press

. If the icon is

at the left end of the row, all cells in that row will collect data.


Use the arrow keys to select which cell or cells in the first row you wish to
collect data.


Press .


If you have selected the manually entered data option, the GLX prompts you
to enter data. Type in the data and press



To collect more data, use the arrow keys to position the flag icon on the sin-
gle cell or row where you want to collect data. If the selected cells already
contain data, that data will be overwritten.


Press .


Repeat steps 7 and 8 to record additional samples.

10. When you have finished recording all samples, press


Why Use Cell-selective Sampling?

Redo a Sample

Cell-selective sampling is useful for redoing data points. For

instance, suppose that you are measuring the pH of several different solutions.
You place the pH probe in a solution and press

to record a sample. You then

realize that you made a mistake—you forgot to wait for the measurement to sta-
bilize. To correct the mistake, press the up arrow to return the flag icon to the first
row. Press

again to overwrite the data on that row with a new sample.

You can redo any sample even if you have recorded subsequent samples; use the
arrow keys to return the flag icon to any previously recorded row or cell and

. Remember to move the icon back to an empty row if you want to take

a new sample without overwriting an old one.

Alternate Between Sensors

If you have two or more sensors connected to

the GLX, you may want to record single samples from each sensor separately. To
do this you would select a single cell (instead of a whole row) for each sample.
For example, you have several solutions and you would like to measure the pH
and conductivity of each. Place the pH probe in the first solution. Press the right
arrow key to select a single cell in the pH column. Press

to record only in

that cell. Remove the pH probe from the solution and place the conductivity
probe in the same solution. Use the arrow keys to select the cell in the conductiv-
ity column (in the same row). Press

to record into that cell. Repeat this pro-

cess for all other solutions. In this way you will record pH-conductivity data pairs
without having to make pH and conductivity measurements simultaneously.

Only selected cell will collect data

All cells in selected row will collect


Only selected cell will collect data

Previously recorded data in selected

row will be overwritten
